India and Cryptocurrency
While Crypto-currency is still being figured out and implemented by most of the world, there’s already a few amazing people in India who’ve been investing. And of course by “few” we mean that Indians as a whole hold over 5.3 billion dollars in cryptocurrency. Even public figures like Amitabh Bachchan have gotten in on the action. Quite a few Indians saw this coming and became millionaires overnight!
A Job-Generating Industry
Cryptocurrency is now more than just a great way to invest. Cryptocurrency is now also an amazing industry that has over 10000 jobs in India alone. It’s starting to look like India is THE place to go if one is trying to get involved in cryptocurrency.
Generating Crypto
Mining cryptocurrency isn’t easy and can take a lot of time and energy, making it an expensive, long-term solution. And such a solution is what many organizations and even a few individuals have implemented. It’s normal to see anyone serious about cryptocurrency have an array of Bitcoin mining devices.
Opening Crypto to the world
While a lot of the world is still not completely sure about bitcoin, one can note that countries like El Salvador are now accepting cryptocurrencies and can even use them as collaterals on loans. Investment consultants are now also exploring the possibility of hiring talent with a skillset that can help them establish themselves as a key provider of this kind of service.
The future of Cryptocurrency
The existing regulations and policies make it difficult for Indians to use cryptocurrency in India. But that hasn’t stopped Indians and Companies based in India from actually mining and selling Cryptocurrency overseas.
Will the current situation of Cryptocurrency change for the better or for worse? Only time will tell! In the meantime, it’s still important to have the right kind of financial services since national currency is still one of the best ways to have and spend money. It’s possible to find some amazingly lucrative financial consultants and providers of small business loans for startups. Need help growing your finances? Reach out to Rupee Funding!